Membership covenant
Before joining Cedar Grove's church membership, please take time to read through our membership covenant, beliefs, and our vision as a church.
Affirmation of Faith Statement
Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and having been baptized, and being in agreement with the Church’s mission, statements, strategy and structure, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the Cedar Grove Church family in church membership.
By joining the church family, I commit to:
1. Spending time in prayer and in the Word so that I can grow in my walk with Christ.
2. Sharing the the Love of Jesus with my family, and all of those God puts into my path.
3. Protecting the unity of the church by praying for others, using Christian courtesy in speech, being slow to take offense, and by following Church leadership.
4. Protecting the testimony of the church by actively participating in services, ordinances, by giving cheerfully, and by avoiding activities, temptations and relationships which would diminish our witness.
5. Striving to live under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
2. Sharing the the Love of Jesus with my family, and all of those God puts into my path.
3. Protecting the unity of the church by praying for others, using Christian courtesy in speech, being slow to take offense, and by following Church leadership.
4. Protecting the testimony of the church by actively participating in services, ordinances, by giving cheerfully, and by avoiding activities, temptations and relationships which would diminish our witness.
5. Striving to live under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Cedar Grove's Statements of Beliefs
If you'd like to discuss any of our beliefs, lifestyle statements, join our church membership, or discuss anything else about church membership at Cedar Grove, please call or email one of our pastors TODAY!
205.699.8446 |
205.699.8446 |