blessing swap 2025

What is a Blessing Swap?

Picture a giant, multi-family yard sale… but with NO PRICE TAGS! THAT’s the Blessing Swap. Gather all of the “extras” in your life: clothes, toys, small household items, blankets, baby gear, etc.

Drop these items off any time during early drop-off hours, or bring them with you to the Swap*.

Then, shop through what everyone else has contributed** - for FREE! 

*No donation is required to participate.

**NO personal shopping bags, backpacks, strollers, or laundry baskets are allowed. Shopping bags will be provided. Please limit participation to ONE member per household, if possible.

For more details or to ask more questions about donation items, find us on Facebook.


Saturday, March 15, 2024



Cedar Grove Baptist Church

2001 Cedar Grove Road

Leeds, AL 35094



March 9-14

Please use the collection bins outside

the Banquet Hall.

What Can Be Donated?

DO Bring

Clothes in GOOD condition (no stains, holes, etc.)

Toys or Puzzles in GOOD condition (no broken bits or missing parts)

Shoes, Purses, and Accessories

Linens, Towels, and Curtains

Small Household Appliances/Furnishings

Books and/or Homeschool Curriculum

Baby Gear (cribs/crib mattresses, changers, nursery décor, bottles, nursing pillows, burp rags, strollers, etc.)

Don't Bring
Clothes or other items with alcohol slogans or profanity
Broken Toys/Puzzles
Romance Novels (you know which ones)
LARGE appliances, Furniture, or Mattresses
Food or Opened/Used Toiletry Items (we DO accept opened packages of diapers)